Milan, Italy - July 22nd
Because of all we did yesterday, we do not have class today. This is good because there is a nation-wide train strike going on which means the metros are closed, so we would have no way of going. The strike has made it a pretty shitty day. Ashlee and I were going to go with Gary and Cat to Cinque Terre for the weekend, but the train was cancelled. We took a taxi to the station. You would think the taxi drivers would make a killing with no public transport, but the roads were so crammed that they actually made less. The train workers must be the stupidest bunch of people. At the train station we ate lunch and found out there was another train to Cinque Terre at 6, so we walked back to the dorm. With no metro, we have been confined mostly to the dorms for the day. A lot of other student's trains were also cancelled so there is a handfull of us still here. Gary and Cat are trying to get the 6 o'clock train, but we are just going to wait until tomorrow morning to leave, so we don't pay two nights at a hotel.
All day I felt like the night before was a disaster. Either because I got too drunk or Ashley and I do not mesh well when intoxicated. Either way, I did not feel that spending the entire weekend together would be a good idea and would be intruding on Cat and Gary's time alone. Because of this, I decided not to go. As far as I know, Ashley caught the last train back to Florence this evening.
All of us who had been forced to stay in Milan decided to make the best of it and go out. After having a few drinks in the dorms, we headed next door to the Ramada. There, we sat at the bar socializing. I ordered a pizza to the dorm and when it arrived, I went back to get it. I took it up to my room and started eating. Next thing I know, I'm fast asleep, and despite the others' best efforts, I could not be roused into going to the club.
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